On December 30, 2021 the animated adventure ‘Three Heroes and the Heir to the Throne’ directed by Darina Schmidt and Konstantin Feoktistov is released in Russia.
The roles are voiced by Sergei Makovetsky (Prince of Kiev), Elizaveta Boyarskaya (Baba Yaga)
As always, our beloved horse Julius got into trouble. And at the same time he made friends with the Prince — they accidentally exchanged bodies, of course, not without the help of an old friend — Baba Yaga and a little witchcraft. Now Julius sits in the palace and beautifies Kiev, and the Prince plows the field. These are the games of thrones. But it can’t go on like this for long, the Fatherland is in danger! And as always, three heroes get down to business.
Producers — Alexander Boyarsky, Sergey Selyanov
Production — animation film studio Melnitsa, CTB Film company with the support of the Cinema Foundation
Distributed by Sony Pictures